Furniture • Objects D'Art • Antiques
Furniture • Objects D'Art • Antiques

Our History
Image Restoration Services, Inc.
We have dedicated our business to providing an extensive array of restoration services for the Transportation Industry, Carrier Liabilities, Household Goods Transit, Art, Antiques and Commercial Claim Losses.

In the early years we were building and repairing furniture for family and friends. In 1967 we opened our business as DFK Finishing, expanding into more elaborate repairs and refinishing. Moving into Transportation Claims with Allied Van Lines Agency, we received a varied and extensive exposure to all facets of moving agency operations; including surveys, packing, loading, driving and of course, repairs. Continuing as Kummerow and Associates in 1975 as a full-service Van Line Repair Company, serving the entire Northern Illinois area, including Chicago. Downsizing in 1985, selling that existing service to an employee, we opened our current company: Image Restoration Services, Inc.
Image Restoration Services assists in claims handling for the transportation industry. We are actively involved in; confirmation of transit related damages and carrier liability, typically for household goods transit. However, we are also involved in art, antique and commercial claims for loss through various Insurance Companies.
Drawing on an extensive array of support vendors that specialize in all forms of restoration, identification and valuation, we are able to handle virtually all forms of personal possessions. State-of-the-art digital photography assists in accurate reports, appraisals and identification of items.
Complete repairs are coordinated through our expert, experienced and efficient office staff.
On-site repairs can be scheduled six days a week for your convenience. Repairs are offered both on-site and in our shop or other qualified galleries and studios.
Complete background checks are regularly updated and personal identification badges let our customers know who they are speaking to and letting into their homes or offices. We Insure all personnel and can issue certificates of insurance upon request.